Saturday, April 6, 2013

Venison and Quinoa Sloppy Joes on Homemade Hamburger Buns with Homemade French Fries: Yummy!

Today I made a classic meal with a twist. Last fall my husband got a couple of deer so we have a freezer full of deer meat. And I had some leftover quinoa. The other day I cooked up some quinoa for Banana Chocolate Chip Quinoa muffins(I'll post that recipe later). I'm a huge fan of stretching my meat recipes. For example, I like to make taco meat with ground beef, lentils, brown rice and black beans. Much cheaper and you get some healthy foods in there too.

So... back to the sloppy joes. I made it easy by using a can of Manwich. Usually I make my own, but I just so  happened to get the Manwich for super cheap.
For my homemade hamburger buns I had some bread dough sitting in my fridge. (This bread recipe is a No Knead dough that can sit in your fridge for up to nine days.) I made a Batard a few days ago with half of it.

I got the recipe from this book- 200 Fast & Easy Artisan Breads by Judith Fertig. I've been to one of her classes- where I purchased a copy of this book. And she signed it! :D

My husband and I love bread! And I just might eat one of these later with some butter and honey...

I love making homemade french fries. This french fry cutter is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets. Just drizzle on some oil, salt, pepper and, if you like, some chili powder, garlic powder or cornmeal(we added this way when I was little)

One last note- I love to melt the cheese! Just put the bottom half of the bun on a cookie sheet, top with your cheese and pop it in a turned off oven for 5 minutes. (Should still be warm from baking your fries)
Does any one else love Ooey Gooey Messy Burgers? (HUGE Mary Kate and Ashley fan when I was little- remember It Takes Two?)

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